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Derp's Application [Example of a good candidate]

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Derp's Application [Example of a good candidate] Empty Derp's Application [Example of a good candidate]

Post  Derp Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:13 am

Hello there, Derp here. This application is for truth purposes as well as to show you exactly how well you should accumulate your thoughts and articulate them to create a proper compose for what you truly are trying to say. So here it is. C:

Name: Joseph

Age: 19

IGN: Derp3000

TimeZone: EST (GMT -5:00)

Country: USA

Time played on the server: I currently have no server experience, but have had experience with almost every v83 server and their various differences. I do understand that without experience I am less of a candidate than normal, but I shall review exactly why this shouldn't discern on your decision making.

Why I should be hired: I believe I would be a generous asset to this team for many of the following reasons. I have serious dedication to those who appreciate that, as well as determination to be the best at my job. I assure you this is a job, not just a game, because when you accept to help protect the server from various preditors, you take it upon yourself to uphold the integrity of both the staff and the server. As for how I will act as a GM, the best word for it would be an insergent, or agent. Someone who is serious about what they do, while still being able to help anyone and everyone who asks and asure the safety of what is being protected, in this case the server itself. Those who don't feel that this is a job shouldn't apply, because that tells me that they will not take pride and responsibility in what they are asked to do, and most likely end up abusing the rules, players, and maybe even the staff itself. As for the rest, I'll explain in the following answers.

Previous experience: I have GMed, HGMed, Admined, and Co-Owned several servers in the past. I have extensive experience in running and managing a server, as well as being part of the staff, primarily as a GM. Through this experience I have found that most servers follow the same universal rules. No giving out items, No abuse, and No hacking (whether that be just infront of players or not at all). From there on the rules vary from server to server but usually entail rules related to socializing, places GMs must refrain from going, and even where they can't be out of hide. Most of the time I am setting these rules, but in some cases I am following them myself. I also have experience gained in the past two months coding for almost all of the current PServers. Though I am not experienced in coding to the extent I would like, in my opinion, I believe that within these two months I have become an able enough coder to build sources from the ground up, excluding packets and sockets. Though my experience may seem vast, it is in all actuality minimal to those who have been doing this as long as Moogra, or Osiris.

Proof: SS's can be given if they are necessary.

What I would do about two staff members fighting: I would try my best to stay out of it, because seriously, 99% of the time it's not worth the trouble to get involved in other peoples business. It is best to keep to yourself so you don't get caught up in random drama. In the event that I was involved in some way or another, I would talk to both of the staff members and try to acertain the main problem. I do this by listening to both sides of the stories and sift through them to find the truth. Once the truth is found, or what I believe to be the truth, I will sit both of them down in the same room and talk it out with both of them. In all honesty though, fighting between staff members is nonsensical. It wastes unecessary time and emotion. There is no need to have distress because of the people you work with, but there are always exceptions to this. My main answer is that everything can be resolved, mostly it just takes time.

What I would do if two players were fighting: Handling this situation takes a bit more fanesse, excuse my spelling not sure if it's correct, and requires a tad more patience than two staff members fighting. The general way to handle the situation would be similar, but totally different at the same time. I would sit both players down seperately and gather the stories, find the truth, and then sit them down together to talk to them about the issue at hand. The difference though, is you can mute players individually to let each of them talk respectively about their problem with the situation to each other, negating any interruption from the other party. This is just my method, though it works very well in all the cases I have had to use it in.

About me: In the past I was more interested in just playing MapleStory, but as time went on I became more interested in the staff side of things. As explained above I have devulged myself in almost every aspect of the staff side of a server, and have learned many things along the way. As for who I am outside the game, I'm fun, energetic, witty, and enjoyable. I try to be kind and fair to everyone who deserves it, and pride myself in the way I handle tough situations. I currently Manage a Dollar Tree and spend most of my non computer life with my girlfriend, soon to be fiance, but dont tell her that. C: I believe that I am a likable person, that is if you take the time to get to know me. Other than that you'll just have to ask me yourself, or get to know me better.

Available time: Anytime I'm not working, though that is a varying time, mostly between 11pm - 4am during days I work and anytime during the day when I'm not working/with my girlfriend.

Contact Info:
Skype - Joseph.Gott
MSN - PM me
Facebook - no way your getting it here... C:

Extra info: Thank you for taking the time to read through this application, it is not exactly lengthy, but it is straight forward in how its worded. I understand that this may not be the actual format for the application, but I personally feel that it thoroughly expresses how I feel, and will act, if and when I become part of the staff. I mean every word in it and validate all statements made. I hope you take the time to consider me as a candidate. C:

Much thanks,

Last edited by littlebear on Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:50 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : forgot staff member fighting part and players fighting, im such a champ.... C:)


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Derp's Application [Example of a good candidate] Empty Re: Derp's Application [Example of a good candidate]

Post  Crease Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:45 am

One up! Very Happy


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Post  iEATxPAPER Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:20 am

Omg , that was awesome joe. ANW , PLEASE TALK TO ME SOON. LIKE ON MSN/SKYPE. I MISS YOU BIATCH!! <3333

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Post  Demon Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:40 am

Oh wow C:

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