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Eling's GM Application

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Eling's GM Application  Empty Eling's GM Application

Post  iEATxPAPER Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:28 am

Real name: Eling

Age: 15

Character name: iEATxPAPER

Time zone: GMT +(8:00) Singapore.

Approximately how long has it been since you joined the BedtimeStori community?
Since Beta Version 1 was release.

What is your MSN or email address in case I need to contact you?: (MSN & Email address )
ElinggNyancat (Skype)

Why do you feel that you would be the best choice for us?
I've been a GM in a private server for a long period of time , and i've lots of experiences /guides and trainings. I have been through a lot and for my age , I'm mature enough to handle things properly . I'm also active and responsible ! Not to mention , i love helping out people & i would definitely never betray this server . I'm loyal to Bedtimestori as i know the owner for a certain period of time and we've never gotten into any problems with each other before , and i'm sure i won't get into any problems with the other GMS/players. I really love to help those players in need , I'm pretty sure that when a GM helps a player , The player that was having difficulty and problems , would really be thankful because their problem have been solved . It's really nice to see someone being thankful , that likes you and appreciate what you did for him/her. I'm usually active despite the fact that I've school and work , I'll make time and host events once in a while so that players won't get too bored training or doing what they are doing and enjoy themselves in the event. I'm not sure if socializing is allowed , But i won't socialize with players even though i've free time , I rather catch hackers / talk to GMS or Get on XAT chat and help players that are having difficulties. I can catch hackers really well , I've been trained and I'm experienced to do so . By catching hackers , There won't be lags nor technical difficulties. I won't tolerate players that know that GLITCH isn't allowed but still uses them. ( One example is : Duping)
I would make this server a fun and friendly community server . Additionally , I would make use of Google Translate to communicate with players that doesn't speak English and needs help.

What qualifications/experience do you feel makes you the best choice for the spot?:
Eling's GM Application  33cc6me
I've been in SexyMs for a long period of time as a SGM ( more than 5 months ) and despite the fact that i've studies and all , i do make time for games as i plan my timetable well. I've made mistakes in SexyMS , but i've definitely learn from it and i can promise you that i'll make a good SGM in Bedtimestori.

Are you willing to play BedtimeStori for at least 6 non afk hrs per week?
Yes of course , i'm even willing to play BedtimeStori for longer than 6 non afk hrs per week (: Despite the fact that i've school . I could even be on for 12 non afk hrs on weekends .

Are you willing to do events on a daily and sometimes hourly basis depending on server needs?
Yes , i am. I've host many events and based on my experience , i know many different type of really fun events to have the players to enjoy them. Not to mention , i will definitely help a player host an event if she/he want me too. ( Player's event. )
But this depends on the server needs , if an player's event is FOC or Item Needs.
And as christin mentioned in the thread , GM Rules , it clearly said that Events should not occur within 30minutes of each other . Therefore i wouldn't host events continuously.

Have you read the rules and will you follow the rules at all times?
I've read the rules & i would definitely follow the rules at all time . I would never abuse my powers and take advantage of the SGM position .

Do you agree that you won't give any items/mesos to anyone while you are a GM?:
Yes i agree , this is a strict rule. I understand that if GMS were to disobey this rule , everyone wouldn't be participating in events / training /etc. Even if its a close friend ( that i've know for years) I would not abuse my powers.

How would you catch hackers?:
Based of my knowledge , I've know pretty much all types of hacks/cheats/packet edits & some ungrateful players have been using them. As a GM , i would definitely track them and ban them immediately once i know they've been hacking. If they were to tell me they did not know Packet edit / wz edit was not allowed i would have warn them and give them 1 chance , but this does not mean i would not continue to stalk them and watch their movements. But hacking ( Att dmg /fly/seat/speed/mouse hack ) Is strictly prohibited. I would first go around the Free Market / Henesys hunting ground / good training areas / less populated area/ all around Scania in HIDE stalking people that uses hack ! I would also use the command , !cheaters to guide me too. Not to mention , i would take 1-2 ScreenShots to prove that the hacker is really using hacks.
By banning those hackers , Players would have a great time in the server as they are not having any technical difficulties or any lags caused by those hackers .

What would you do if there was a fight going on between two Staff members?:
If two staff members were fighting , I would first warp them into a place whereby no other players could get into , Then find out what is the situation/cause of them fighting. If they were just fighting over a small matter , I would get them to apologize to each other and forget about it , ( Forgive & Forget ) . But if one doesn't want to apologize , I can't force one to apologize therefore i'll give one some time and think about it . I'm sure after some time thinking and cooling down , One would definitely forgive & forget .
If they were fighting over personal matters , I guess they should really talk over this matter personally . I could try helping them out but if the matter is really personal , I think i shouldn't get involve in it as i know that one would not like it if someones get too involve in their personal matters.
If the arguement gets huge , and they are still fighting . I'll have to get a higher rank authority such as the Admin and HeadGM to discuss about this issue .
If they are still angry after forgiving or etc , I'll definitely crack some jokes and make them laugh/smile.
I've been in SexyMS for a long period of time & I've witness GMS fighting with each other before . To me , I think GMS should work in a team and not fight with each other for no reason / small matters.

How would you handle two players fighting?:
I would first let them know that I'm a GM using a whitechat so that they can stop what they are doing and listen to me and stop fighting ( using vulgarities , KS-ing )with each other . Then i'll find out who got the map first and then i'll ask them if they would like to share the map , If one says NO . Then i'll kindly ask the person who got into the map afterwards to Change channel.
If he/she still doesn't want to , I'll suggest different maps to him that contains the same monsters if not , suggest a map that contains monsters that gives good exp/meso. But if they start using vulgarities at me , I'll first dc them if they choose to continue , i won't hesistate to temp-ban them or jail them because in a Players rules , They aren't suppose to disrespect the higher authority.

I'll first warp them to a place whereby no other players and get into and get them to tell me the situation/ why are they fighting. They have to be honest with me and not lie about it , If i caught them lying . I will strictly jail them / temp-ban them because i tolerate no nonsense and i can't stand people lying to me. I'll hear about their matters , And i would personally help them solve it.
If they still continue to argue with each other , I'll talk to them nicely and ask them to calm down and relax for a minute.
After that , I'll get them to see if all of those arguements are worth it or not. Because I know that usually when we argue with someone , Its over a small matter. But one would ''pour oil into the fire'' to make the matter bigger. Therefore , I'll immediately find a solution to stop both of them fighting. The most effective solution that I think that really helps them is , Talking sense into them.

This is really important as when they are fighting using avi smegas or the normal smegas or weather , they might not know but it is affecting almost everyone . Some players might have really slow computers and these lags might really crash their whole computer and i've witness a SMEGA fight before , many players had complain to me about it. For this matter , i would warp to them and warn them to stop as they are affecting people training/talking/chatting/etc. Then i would tell them that if they have a problem , i really hope they would settle it through whisper/with my help BUT NOT using avi smegas/normal smegas/ weather.

Additional information about you:
I personally think that i'm responsible , mature and handle things properly. I'm a student studying in Singapore and i started playing Private maplestory since i was 12. The first server i've joined was KyraMs (NX SLIMES!) I'm funny sometimes but i could take things that one says , personally . Some people would think that Singaporeans would always use ''Singlish(In-proper English in singapore mixed with chinese/cantonese and somewhat other.)" and that our English isn't that good. However , My English is good despite the fact that i'm a singaporean and that I might use singlish sometimes.. but i don't think I would use it online. Last but not least , I'm really looking forward to making new friends and spending time with people in BTS !

Thankyou for reading my application!

Last edited by iEATxPAPER on Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:03 am; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 80
Join date : 2011-11-21
Age : 28
Location : Behind you.

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Eling's GM Application  Empty Re: Eling's GM Application

Post  Teatime Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:33 pm

Good Lucky Elingg ;D


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Age : 28
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Eling's GM Application  Empty Re: Eling's GM Application

Post  Nude Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:55 am

Wow. You actually applied. I'm too lazy to apply. (:
Guys this is the type of app which will get accepted, she is the best candidate for the job!
Good luck bby! <3333333333333333

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Age : 33
Location : The van parked in front of your house.

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Eling's GM Application  Empty Re: Eling's GM Application

Post  Teatime Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:45 am


yay!! Eling, join me in the team ;D


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Eling's GM Application  Empty Re: Eling's GM Application

Post  iEATxPAPER Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:05 am

@Liam , Hahahh hopefully ! & Thankyouu so much (:
@Matt , You should apply too <3 I'll support you ! Thankyouuuusomuch~ But i don't think i'm the ''best'' candidate !

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Age : 28
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Eling's GM Application  Empty Re: Eling's GM Application

Post  Nude Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:12 am

Awwh. i would but im too lazy. Hahaha. <333 No one can be a better candidate than my bby. (:

Posts : 92
Join date : 2011-11-15
Age : 33
Location : The van parked in front of your house.

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