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Things to improve GM Applications?

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Things to improve GM Applications? Empty Things to improve GM Applications?

Post  Neko Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:27 pm

I hope this helps improve your applications.

Legend :
[1] - Incorrect spelling/ Needs a space
[2] - Didn't need to capitalize a word.
[3] - Needed to capitalize a word.
[4] - Didn't actually answer the question.
[5] - Too much humour, needs to be more proffesional

Real name:
justinbeiber. lololol.


I iz 69 lolz. don't Worry. i iz Not pedofil


Character name:
my IgN is jBieber. lolz.


Time zone:
it'z 5pm rite know.

They asked for the timeZONE not what time it is.

Approximately how long has it been since you joined the BedtimeStori community?:
since earth Was created. lolz.


What is your MSN or email address in case I need to contact you?:
my emailz is i rool. xD


Why do you feel that you would be the best choice for us?:
i pay u to make me gm. i Can pay u alot of $$$ cmon ? ??? and plus i'm Awesome, lolz.

Don't bribe the owners, admins, etc to make you a GM. They're looking for people who care about the server, not just want power.

What qualifications/experience do you feel makes you the best choice for the spot?:
i'm pro lol.

Try not to be stuck up in your application.

Are you willing to play BedtimeStori for at least 6 non afk hrs per week?:
no way i has a lief..

This was answered rudely and if you apply for GM, you should be ready to do atleast 6 hours of non afk hours per week in game.

Are you willing to do events on a daily and sometimes hourly basis depending on server needs?:
lol no. let them dye ov bordom.

This was answered rudely, and if you apply for GM, you should be ready to host events depending on the server's needs.

Have you read the rules and will you follow the rules at all times?:
i didn't red dem and i won't eber.

This was also answered rudely, if you are going to be a GM, you should've read the rules and you should understand and follow them.

Do you agree that you won't give any items/mesos to anyone while you are a GM?:
no, i give itms n meso to my frnds.

Breaks the GM rules.

How would you catch hackers?:
lol, i hack with them n they b my buddys.

Not doing a GM's responsibility.

What would you do if there was a fight going on between two Staff members?:
lol , report it to nother gm n let dem tak care of it, its not mi problem.

It's a GM's responsibility to take care of problems and fights. Unless you can't resolve the problem, don't get another GM's help.

How would you handle two players fighting?:
lol. ban.

Unless it's hacking, an automatic ban is a complete no-no. You should try resolving it first, if that doesn't work, get another GM to help, and if that doesnt work, then try jailing/banning.

Additional information about you:
i pay u to mak me gm, deal?

Again, don't bribe Owners/Admins/GMs for GM.

Last edited by Neko on Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:13 am; edited 5 times in total

Posts : 160
Join date : 2011-11-08
Age : 25

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Things to improve GM Applications? Empty Re: Things to improve GM Applications?

Post  David Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:54 pm

Okay, well I like some things and I dislike somethings.. lets start with the likes.
Like :
It's pretty informative and you have amazing grammar o:.

Dislike :
It seems quite short, I know it's not bad, because it's straight to the point, and that's okay, but I would love to see more detail.
I also don't like the yellow c:


Posts : 91
Join date : 2011-11-08
Age : 25
Location : In the pot of cookies at the end of a double rainbow.

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Things to improve GM Applications? Empty Re: Things to improve GM Applications?

Post  Neko Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:27 am

David wrote:Okay, well I like some things and I dislike somethings.. lets start with the likes.
Like :
It's pretty informative and you have amazing grammar o:.

Dislike :
It seems quite short, I know it's not bad, because it's straight to the point, and that's okay, but I would love to see more detail.
I also don't like the yellow c:

It's orange. ;]. Thanks for da feedback!

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Join date : 2011-11-08
Age : 25

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Things to improve GM Applications? Empty Re: Things to improve GM Applications?

Post  Neko Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:38 am

I changed da colour. :3

Posts : 160
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Age : 25

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Things to improve GM Applications? Empty Re: Things to improve GM Applications?

Post  David Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:43 am

Yaay! That's better c:.
Much easier to read, thanks.


Posts : 91
Join date : 2011-11-08
Age : 25
Location : In the pot of cookies at the end of a double rainbow.

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Things to improve GM Applications? Empty Re: Things to improve GM Applications?

Post  Demon Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:41 pm

Oooh nice colors C:
Very straightforward!
Good luck

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Things to improve GM Applications? Empty Re: Things to improve GM Applications?

Post  Neko Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:06 am

David wrote:Yaay! That's better c:.
Much easier to read, thanks.

Yur welcome. c:

Posts : 160
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Age : 25

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Things to improve GM Applications? Empty Re: Things to improve GM Applications?

Post  King Kazma Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:13 am

This will help alot of us with our gm applications neko, great job! If i had a hat i'd tip it in you're direction.
King Kazma
King Kazma

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Age : 27
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