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xImitate's GM App

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xImitate's GM App Empty xImitate's GM App

Post  xImitate Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:46 am

Real name: Palani

Age: 15

Character name: xImitate

Time zone: GMT +8

Approximately how long has it been since you joined the BedtimeStori community : I just started. But i know all the commands which are being used here.

What is your MSN or email address in case I need to contact you?:(New members are not allowed to post external links or emails for 7 days. Please contact the forum administrator for more information.) ,Thats what happens when i post a thread. So I'll PM you instead

Why do you feel that you would be the best choice for us : Kinda Good Question. I'm not the best. But , I can prove that i can give everyone a good environment for everyone to play and help all the newbies out. I also do not have impatience and i can wait. I'm not a type which gets panicked very fast as I'm the "calm" type. I can offer good tranquility in BedTimeStori. I've solved many situations in other maplesea private servers such as Fighting , KS-ing , Flaming and etc. I'm a well matured player which always aim high and try my best to reach the destination which i wanna reach.

What qualifications/experience do you feel makes you the best choice for the spot?: I've helped GMs to solve situations at times. I also have been a GM in my friend's server. I only know 3 commands which is !tempban <name> , !ban <name> !mute <name> . I apologize if the commands are wrong , but these are the commands i remember so far. I've played GMS and Private servers around 3 years or so. So i know the NPCs well in game even though i just started bedtimestori , I know some of the NPCs which are in BedTimeStori

Are you willing to play BedtimeStori for at least 6 non afk hrs per week : I'm willing to play more then that. I can play 20 hours per week if you wish because that's how long i've played. I can go a bit more then that if you wish.

Are you willing to do events on a daily and sometimes hourly basis depending on server needs? : Yes , Of course. I'll make unique events which i'll think out of the box for events. If my fellow GM is busy , I'll host a event on his behalf or if there's no event going on for the past few hours.

Have you read the rules and will you follow the rules at all times : Yes. Of course I've read the rules

Do you agree that you won't give any items/mesos to anyone while you are a GM?: I agree upon this decision that i'll not give items/mesos to anyone while I'm a GM. Even if the player is begging me to give him , I'll not give on any basis. I'll tell him how to get mesos faster.

How would you catch hackers?: I would follow the suspect and get as much evidence as possible. Supposedly if the hacker doesn't online much , I'll see when does he get online. If i find him using hacks , I'll immediately SS it and send it a higher rank then me straight away. If he doesn't use hacks that much , I'll stalk him at all times and confirm is he hacking or not

What would you do if there was a fight going on between two Staff members?: I would first calm them down first and ask them what's going on. If the problem is a level which i cannot find a solution for the problem , I'll immediately call a Higher Rank to help me in this case.

-Second Situation
Supposedly , If the 2 Staff Members are not heeding what i am saying , I'll again call a Higher Ranker to solve the problem .

How would you handle two players fighting?: I would first ask what's going on and tell them to calm down. Secondly , I'll move them to a private place and ask what's going on.After which ,I'll give them a solution to the problem or if not tell a alternative solution to them.

Second Situation
Supposedly , If both of them do not keep quiet , I'll mute both players and bring them to a private place. I'll unmute one player and ask what's going on. I'll mute the player which i unmuted , and Mute the other. I'll ask what's going on. When i get the picture ,I'll give them a solution to that problem or if not tell a alternative solution to them

Additional information about you: Hi , My name is Palani . I love MapleSEA , Soccer , Chocolates , Basketball , Badminton , Anime and Tom And Jerry. I've alot of dislikes though , But i'll list some. Nagging , Get scolded for no apparent reason , Peanuts , Tumblr and Lagging in Game. I've been using internet since young.If you've guessed it right ,I'm a indian. But i don't behave like a indian at all. I do not go smoke , drink , eat indian food all day long , "bangra" dancing and gaying. I don't do these , so please do not make fun of me neither do you not judge me. I hope you've enjoyed my Application! I hope i get accepted , If I'm not accepted , I'll try again and again to reach my final destination!

P/S : I have skype , But i cannot talk as my mic is spoilt. But i can hear what you're talking. Will that be okay? I hope so >.<

Last edited by xImitate on Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-12-10

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xImitate's GM App Empty Re: xImitate's GM App

Post  thesjikiller Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:50 am

o.o wah boss.Nice gm app.Good luck being a gm in BTS Smile Darius here Razz


Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-12-07

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xImitate's GM App Empty Re: xImitate's GM App

Post  xImitate Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:19 pm

Thanks Darius!


Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-12-10

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