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Thorough guide to PIC DC/Disabling your loopback.

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Thorough guide to PIC DC/Disabling your loopback. Empty Thorough guide to PIC DC/Disabling your loopback.

Post  Scottai Thu Nov 24, 2011 6:40 pm

Easy way to solve PIC DC on any operating system (operating system = Windows 7, XP, Vista etc) ;

What is it?

You may be wondering, what is PIC DC? The PIC is the "Personal Identification Code". Others may call it a PIN. This is the code you enter at your character login screen (on recent versions). When you enter your code, and click Ok/Enter, you disconnect, i.e. the PIC DC.

How to solve this?

You must disable the "Microsoft Loopback Adapter".

How can you do this?

1) Go to start in the bottom left corner of your computer.
2) Type in the search bar "Run", and click it in the results.
3) Type in "devmgmt.msc" and Run it / Click OK. This opens Device Manager.
4) Click any sort of "+" or ">" that extends the map of "Network Adapters".
5) There should be a Loopback Adapter in there.
6) Double click the Loopback Adapter, and click "Driver" in the tabs (definitely on W7), and click Disable. If there's no "Driver" tab on the other OS's, just scroll through the tabs and look for the button Disable. Otherwise, try right clicking it, and look for the option "Disable".

If you didn't fancy that above, use this way instead..

Voila. That should do the trick. If your problem still persists, try ;

1) Running the client as a administrator.
2) Install CCleaner and run a registry clean up and fix all the problems it lists.;1
This will clear .NET framework registries which failed to delete, and anyway, it's good to clean your computer once in a while.

Hope this helped!

Lots of love,


Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-11-19

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Thorough guide to PIC DC/Disabling your loopback. Empty Re: Thorough guide to PIC DC/Disabling your loopback.

Post  Nude Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:51 am

I smell a Computer Geek. Jks. Great work. (: it helped me before.

Posts : 92
Join date : 2011-11-15
Age : 33
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