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Current Commands!

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Current Commands! Empty Current Commands!

Post  Demon Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:20 pm

Okay so, first I can't take credit for this as it is Christin's.
I know many people ask about commands that are available.
Some may be invalid because this is in beta and they are revising most
of the current things. If so, someone can change it; otherwise hope this helps!

Some of the commands : (more to come)

@server - Shows the latest server updates/events/fixes
@duel - @duel (challengers Name)
@accept - Accepts duel invite
@decline - Declines Duel invite
@buybuff - gives you the basic buffs for Mesos [I think this isn't valid, or only applies to certain levels of rebirths?]
@checkme - Shows your statics.
@clearinv - Clears the inventory slot that you choose
@dispose - If you can't talk to an NPC use this command
@expfix - Fixes your Negative Exp
@go or / <map name> - Warps you to a map in a very quick fashion!
@joinevent - Join a event when its starting
@mypoints - Check your Points.
@rank - The top 10 players in-game
@recharge - Recharge both Stars and Bullets
@save - no Roll Back when restarting
@str/@dex/@int/@luk - Adds stats faster than the old fashioned way.
@style/@hair - Open the All in one Beauty Npc
@emo - Kill your self
@maxskills - to max skills [if this doesn't work just do @fmnpc and the max skills should be available]
@togglesmega - Turn off smega pop up (under construction)
@callgm - Sends a gm a note you need help
@allinone - All in one shop
@occupation - warps you to occupation map
@hangout - Hangout spot
@spyperson <name> - Look at there stats and rebirths
@cody - Opens Job Advancer.
@spinel - Open World Tour.
@fmnpc _ Opens up our multi NPC.
@goafk - Puts a afk messeage.
@imback - take off chalkboard when your back
@antiks - Block ksers from ksing you
@partyantiks - dosen't let party ks you
@reportafk - reports afk stage mochaacho
@potshop - Opens a Potion shop
@weaponinfo - gives info about your weapon
@prescheck - checks who the president of your channel is
@presnotice - sends a server wide msg
@playernotice - displays a server wide notice (unlocked at 270rbs)


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Current Commands! Empty Re: Current Commands!

Post  littlebear Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:52 pm

stickied. <3

Posts : 48
Join date : 2011-11-03
Age : 32

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