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Compilation of NPCs/Commands

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Compilation of NPCs/Commands Empty Compilation of NPCs/Commands

Post  King Kazma Mon Nov 21, 2011 2:05 am

alright so i found a few commands/npcs and i'll update it with them when i have time or find new ones
currently found:
@msi command
MSI npc(went ahead and customized it)
Gambling npc
stuck in question npc
PVP map npc(not sure if we need it since we have @duel lol)
all buffs npc(might work idk but it has all buffs and you can choose!)

MSI npc source:

The @msi command:

simple question but funny as shit:

Meso Gambler NPC (guarantee it works):

PVP warp npc:

Buffs npc:
King Kazma
King Kazma

Posts : 61
Join date : 2011-11-19
Age : 27
Location : OZ

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