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Abyss' GM application

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Abyss' GM application Empty Abyss' GM application

Post  Abyss Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:08 am

Real name: Yoni Holland

Age: 14

Character name: iTzAbyss

Time zone: GMT+1

Approximately how long has it been since you joined the BedtimeStori community?
I think 4 days now

What is your MSN or email address in case I need to contact you?:
Yoniholland @
Gmail(get this on my phone):Abyssnights @

Why do you feel that you would be the best choice for us?
Well I have quite some maple experience(although I think most poeple do :s)
I can handle insults/peope pretty good

What qualifications/experience do you feel makes you the best choice for the spot?
None, just that I think of myself I can handle it

Are you willing to play BedtimeStori for at least 6 non afk hrs per week?
Already doing it so no problem.

Are you willing to do events on a daily and sometimes hourly basis depending on server needs?

Sure, As a player I love participating in events so I will make sure too keep the events on a good basis

Have you read the rules and will you follow the rules at all times?
Yes I will

Do you agree that you won't give any items/mesos to anyone while you are a GM?:
Yes I do.

How would you catch hackers?:

Go in hide.
Make evidence(ss/Movie)
When I have gathered enough evidence I will grab the epic banhammer and ban
if it's an innocent hack like fly hack I will first ask them to turn it off first.

What would you do if there was a fight going on between two Staff members?:
I would try to get everyone to relax if that doesn't work get a higher rank to help.

How would you handle two players fighting?:
Split them up, ask both what happend if anything that happend is against the rules I will give them the penalty for that and make them say sorry

Additional information about you:
I have a mom that will sometimes prevent me from answering skype calls but if it's important I can get upstairs


Posts : 11
Join date : 2011-11-30

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