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Crease's GM application. *_*

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Crease's GM application. *_* Empty Crease's GM application. *_*

Post  Crease Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:52 am

Real name: Zhi Yao, Koh

Age: 17

Character name: Crease

Time zone: GMT +8

Approximately how long has it been since you joined the BedtimeStori community?
I have been a part of the community (or so I believe) for nearly a week now. It may not be long since the addition of "ME" into the community, but its true nevertheless that I'm only a 5 day old member.

What is your MSN or email address in case I need to contact you?:
My contact Information are as follows:

Hotmail: (not allowed to post email/external links within 7 days of registeration will add in after 7 days)
Gmail: (not allowed to post email/external links within 7 days of registeration will add in after 7 days)
SkypeID: Papershake

Please approach me personally if you want my FB, I'd like to keep it private from any forums Smile

Why do you feel that you would be the best choice for us?
(P.S I'm merging this wit the Qualification/Experience question)

Being the best choice isn't really a good way of phrasing it, lets rephrase that, a better choice. (Well I can't expect myself to be the best, there's surely someone better then me ain't it?)

For starters, I'm pretty fond of administrative works, filing, moderating, filtering etc. This makes me a very serious player when administrative power is placed in my hands. I aim to do my job as it was given to me to the best of my ability. I may be flexible at times, strict at another, however that depends on the situation placed in-front of me. In addition I also enjoy helping out others through means like providing either In-Game information or information not regarding Maplestory etc. I am also very sociable and am a extrovert so I look forward to having great chats with the community.

Experience wise, I'd say I do not have any experience as a GM, but am looking forward to my first.

Are you willing to play BedtimeStori for at least 6 non afk hrs per week?
I would be able to commit at least 10 non-AFK hours on a normal week, so I don't see 6 hours(as a minimum) as much of a problem.

Are you willing to do events on a daily and sometimes hourly basis depending on server needs?
Having been a player all this time, I have realised that events are the main attractions behind all private server. As such, I understand the importance of events and would be more then happy to conduct and assist in the hosting of events based on server's needs.

Have you read the rules and will you follow the rules at all times? (Merged with not giving items/mesos as they are also under the rules)
Yes I have read the rules, and I will abide by it regardless of situation (unless required, will be explained in the later portion of the application).

How would you catch hackers?:
Spotting and Providing Evidence
When a hacker is spotted, Screen-shots of their offence will be taken down as evidence.
In the case that evidence taken is not conclusive, a false environment will be created to stimulate another window for the Screen-shot.
False environments will include:
- Spawning of monsters to capture screen-shot of damage hackers.
- Performing a kill on mobs in map to prove a VAC hacker
- and many more.

When issuing bans, I would classify hackers into two classes:
Harmful hackers:
Harmful hackers utilizes hacks that include, Damage, Vac, Demi, Godmode hacks etc.
Hackers classified under such will be issued a permernant ban on sight after evidence is collected.

Casual hackers:
Casual hackers utilizes "fun" hacks that include swim, sit everywhere, map edits, fly hack etc..
Casual hackers will be warned on their first offence, Temp banned for a week for second offence, and Permanently banned for third and subsequent offences.

A report will be submitted back onto the forum consisting of the screenshot and description of offence infringed to justify bans if Ban Appeals arises.

What would you do if there was a fight going on between two Staff members?:
In the event that staffs (this will only be applicable if staff is of same power/lower power) fight in a open environment(with players around) I would warped them off into a isolated map to finish up the fight to preserve the professionalism of the GM Team. In any case, if fights do not quell even after the warp, I would either step in, or request for a GM of higher power to step in and intervene and mediate.

How would you handle two players fighting?:

Players fighting over normal chat will be excused if fighting do not affect other player.
However, if the fights do affect other players (including unwanted repetition of a single abusive message or flooding of the chatbox and deeming messages on chatbox unreadable and Megaphone Wars,) All parties involved will be warned, and jail-muted for up to an hour if problem persist.

Additional information about you:

Self Introduction(all over again):

Hello BedtimeStori, my name is Zhi Yao, you can call me Papershake, or just by my IGN, Crease. I'm 17 this year, a proud Citizen of Singapore and I speak both English and Chinese. I enjoy administrative work and like to socialize. However so, I am still shy and would perfer not to use VOIP unless it is totally necessary. My interest is in Computing, and coding bring me endless joy and frustration although I am still weak in coding. I am currently pursuing a Diploma, and hence please pardon me if you do not see me as active sometimes.

Thank you for taking your time to read Crease's GM Application.

Remember to state your stand on the poll about this Application!

Regards, Crease


Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-12-04

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