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Zero's GM Application

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Zero's GM Application  Empty Zero's GM Application

Post  Zero Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:01 am

Real name: Alfred Mah (Call me Ice or Raito)

Age: 12

Character name: Zero

Time zone: GMT +8

Approximately how long has it been since you joined the BedtimeStori community? I've just started

What is your MSN or email address in case I need to contact you?: My Email is Chaosboy@live .com (I know its stupid =__= And as i'm a new Member Please Back space the "DOT" to Contact me)

Why do you feel that you would be the best choice for us? I might not be Perfect but i might be a Great asset to the Team Considering i have Plenty of time in my hands So why not put those time to good use by helping build something that can be great. Right? Right! one of my Favorite Pass times in Private servers is to hang out with friends and interact in the FM So i think we really need to reach out and see what the Community has to offer! Also we need to Make New players Feel Welcome and feel the Warmth of our Community

What qualifications/experience do you feel makes you the best choice for the spot?: I've been Co-Owner for CrunchyMS I helped the Main Owner Host for a Month as He was preparing for his Exams When he Came back to the Server he decided to shut it down as he doesn't have time on his hands.Also I've been Head-GM for VoyageMS (Both V83 and Offline) So i know the GM Commands.As i have this Experiences with me I never let my Judgement Slip whether its a Friend or any Enemy They MUST Have Equal Punishments if they did Something Wrong

Are you willing to play BedtimeStori for at least 6 non afk hrs per week? Of Course! Since I'm Online for atleast 12 hrs Per-day and I've nothing better to do so Why not? Unless I have School or an Exam then i will notify The Owners or The Head GM If its a Normal School day then its Probably 7 Hours for the Weekends then its 4 Hours (I have Drum and Art lessons Very Happy)

Are you willing to do events on a daily and sometimes hourly basis depending on server needs? Yes! I will Keep track of Time and when the its Time for the Event I Will host it! So the Players get to Interact with the Community

Have you read the rules and will you follow the rules at all times? Of Course! What makes a Good GM if he Doesn't Obey the Rules right?

Do you agree that you won't give any items/mesos to anyone while you are a GM?: Yes! As it is in the GM Rules No Items or Mesos are to Be Given out to any Player By the SGMs So the GMs MUST Obey it whether they like it or Not

How would you catch hackers?: First I would Go in to Hide and Stalk Him for a While to see if he is Hacking if he is Then I'll first take a ScreenShot (Just In Case of an Unfair Ban) Then Temporary Ban Him I'll Also post the Report of Forum and Notify the Owners Then its Up to the Owners whether they want to Ban the Hacker or Not

What would you do if there was a fight going on between two Staff members?: I would Ask them what happened (Of Course Someones gonna tell right?) Then I'm Gonna Hear Both Sides of the Story,Then I'm gonna try my Best to Solve their problem If i can't I Will call in Fellow GMs or the Head GM To Resolve the Problem

How would you handle two players fighting? I would First ask them Why are they Fighting.Then try to Understand the Situation If it Gets Out of hand i will Warp them to jail and try to Resolve the Fighting

Additional information about you: My name is Alfred (U know it Already =__=) I love to Kid around and Tell Jokes I'm Also Quite Good at making Signatures or Banners (not Excellent Kind But I'm pretty Good Very Happy)


Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-12-06

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Zero's GM Application  Empty Re: Zero's GM Application

Post  Demon Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:06 am

Mkay c:
So you seem really knowledgable since you've had some experience,
but just fix up your grammer. You don't have to capitalize every word.
And since you're new, you should get to know the community first
before really applying, but that's just my opinion. (:
Good luck!

Posts : 84
Join date : 2011-11-08
Location : lost

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