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Demon's Application

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Demon's Application Empty Demon's Application

Post  Demon Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:43 pm

Demon's Application BABA-3

Real name: Katy L.

Age: 18

Character name: Demon

Time zone: GMT -6 hours, Texas.

Approximately how long has it been since you joined the BedtimeStori community?
I’ve been with the server from the beginning. So around three/four weeks.

What is your MSN or email address in case I need to contact you?
Skype: KatyLi11

Why do you feel that you would be the best choice for us?
Well, I’m undoubtedly not going to be the best choice, but I can offer my dedication and loyalty to this server. I am also very active and quite sociable among the community. I enjoy meeting people and helping other new players get used to and feel welcomed to the community. I am also a very responsible person, so when something needs to get done I will most try my best to accomplish it and I will always try my best to offer my best qualities to this server. I am also someone who can be independent and get things done on my own if needed.

What qualifications/experience do you feel makes you the best choice for the spot?
Honestly I have never been a GM before, and I know it is probably better to select someone with experience than one without. But I will assure you, that I learn fairly easily and I am willing to devote my time to learn what is needed to become a noble GM on this server. I am also very loyal; when I find a server I enjoy, I tend to stick with it and try to improve the game as much as possible for the better of everyone.

Are you willing to play BedtimeStori for at least 6 non afk hrs per week?
Of course, as I am already doing so. Even additional hours if needed.

Are you willing to do events on a daily and sometimes hourly basis depending on server needs?
Most definitely! Having events allows players to socialize and compete with one another on the server, thus having a fun and more entertainment in community. Being a player myself, I know how repetive and dull it can get, so I will host events when needed and during the proper time limits as well.

Have you read the rules and will you follow the rules at all times?
I have read the rules, and will most certainly follow them. I will also enforce them among the server as well.

Do you agree that you won't give any items/mesos to anyone while you are a GM?
Of course I agree. I will not take advantage of being a GM. As this is also stated in the rules, and being a gm consists of following all the rules provided.

How would you catch hackers?
I would most likely be in hide, and find hackers around different maps with the server. Once they are located and confirmed of hacking with a screenshot, I will ban them. If the hacker proceeds to make a ban appeal I will prove them with the screenshot that was previously taken.

What would you do if there was a fight going on between two staff members?
Although this would be quite unlikely, since staff member should know better than to fight amoungst each other. I would first listen to both of their problems separately, and try by best to understand their situation. Then try to solve the problem as reasonably as I can, but if I cannot resolve it I would call upon someone of higher authority to try and solve the situation.

How would you handle two players fighting?
I would first warp them into an isolated map, and listen to both sides of their stories. Then I would attempt to help them work out the problem, and try to solve the problem before it gets out of hand and causes problems to other players. If this fight does get out of hand and begins to affect other player's game play then I would take it upon higher measures to try and stop them from causing more hassle among others.
There are a variety of ways in which players begin to cause problems when they start fighting in a game. And each situation should be taken into account differently when trying to resolve the conflict amoung the players. I would try my best to understand their situation and give my best advice and actions into how their conflict can be fixed.

Additional information about you: I am from Texas and currently enrolled in a university. I must admit that I may act a bit immature at times, but I know when and what situations when I have to be serious about certain things. The only thing that would most likely take my time from dedicating my time to this server would be college studies. Once exams and such starts I might not be as active as I wish to be, but other than that I am willing to devote most of my spare time to improving and keeping this server fun for everyone. And I always use skype, as I've already skyped most of you all. So that wouldn't really be a problem for me. Out of the ingame life, I enjoy being with family and friends. I also enjoy reading and drawing during my spare time. Being in an univeristy allows me to interact with a lot of different organizations and clubs, which I mostly attend.

Demon's Application BABA-2

Posts : 84
Join date : 2011-11-08
Location : lost

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Demon's Application Empty Re: Demon's Application

Post  Mike Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:57 am

Katy your gm app is better than mine Crying or Very sad

Posts : 11
Join date : 2011-11-20

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Demon's Application Empty Re: Demon's Application

Post  King Kazma Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:01 am

nice app! gl to you!
King Kazma
King Kazma

Posts : 61
Join date : 2011-11-19
Age : 27
Location : OZ

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