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xhers' GM Application

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xhers' GM Application Empty xhers' GM Application

Post  thesjikiller Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:18 am

Real name:Darius Oh


Character name:xHers

Time zone:GMT +8(Singapore)

Approximately how long has it been since you joined the BedtimeStori community? I have just joined the BedtimeStori community but would be staying long.

What is your MSN or email address in case I need to contact you?:You can contact me in facebook,Darius oh(Darius legendar) but i would be ingame most of the time. Razz Razz Razz

Why do you feel that you would be the best choice for us?I have had lots of experience in maplestory,I have been playing it for more than 4years.I know what a server needs to attract people to play it and have leadership to be a gamemaster.

What qualifications/experience do you feel makes you the best choice for the spot?:I have been playing lots of maplestory private servers since it was only v55.I have no past experience of being a gm but would like to learn and be more knowledgeable.

Are you willing to play BedtimeStori for at least 6 non afk hrs per week?Yes.I am having holidays currently and am able to spent the whole day playing BedtimeStori.

Are you willing to do events on a daily and sometimes hourly basis depending on server needs?Yes.I love to host events and hosting lots of events will make players feel that the server is better then others.

Have you read the rules and will you follow the rules at all times?Yes.

Do you agree that you won't give any items/mesos to anyone while you are a GM?:Yes.Giving items/mesos to players will be unfair as others will have to work hard to earn them.

How would you catch hackers?:First,I would have to have evidence of him hacking.I would hide and catch him in action and recording/taking a screenshot of him hacking.Then,according to what hack he is using,i will ban/jail him.Evidence is essential as u might be mistaken of banning players for no reason.

What would you do if there was a fight going on between two Staff members?:If it was a fight to which idea or suggestion,etc is better,i would let them fight as fighting would allow them to think of even better ideas for the server.If it was a fight about them not happy with each other,i would be a peacemaker and tell them what they did right and what they did wrong to make sure that they understand each other and then let them solve the issue themself.

How would you handle two players fighting?:If their fight are affecting other players' gameplay,i would warp them to a room first.Then,I will try to find out the cause of the problem and think of a way to solve it.If the fight persists,I would tell the both of them to just ignore each other so that there would not be future fights.

Additional information about you:I have been a maplestory fan for a very,very long time Razz I love making bannedstory and i am friendly.I would like to get to know everyone and be friends Smile I am kind of a "hardcore" player as i always strive to be top10 in maplestory private servers.


Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-12-07

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